13 Oct · PHarrisonAdmin · No Comments

Sports Update – 13th October 2017

Hockey competition


As part of the inter-schools competitions organised by St Anthony’s, some of our Year 4 children took part in a hockey tournament last Friday 6th October. The children performed exceptionally well, winning one match and drawing two and coming third overall. Well done to the children who took part and my thanks to Mrs Godfrey for accompanying the children.





Our football team competed in two matches on Wednesday 4th October at Farringdon. They beat English Martyrs’ 3-2 and drew with St John Bosco 0-0. Well done to the team for representing the school so well and my thanks to Mr Hauxwell for preparing and accompanying the team. My thanks also to parents and carers who supported and were able to give lifts to and from the venue. In addition, some of our Year 5 children played in a football competition at St Anthony’s on Friday 6th October. The team came second overall, winning two matches and losing one. Well done to the team and my thanks to Mrs Haley for accompanying them.