8 Sep · PHarrisonAdmin · No Comments

Breakfast & After School Club

Breakfast and after school clubs have recommenced this week. For parents new to the school, the price of a breakfast club session is £1-50 and an after school club session is £3-50.


Breakfast club starts at 8am and after school club is from 3:20pm until 5:20pm. We would be grateful if parents picking up for the after school club could ensure that their child is picked up no later than 5:20pm, as staff have other commitments. Picking up from and dropping off for these clubs is at the school’s main entrance. On coming in through the main doors, please use the intercom system located on the right hand side of the inner door to speak to staff.


Payments for the club should be made in advance at the office hatch at the main entrance. Please note that there is no after school club run by the school on Fridays.